Wednesday, June 16, 2010
**Photgraphy Site**
Started something new! For those of you who know me, know I love taking pictures, so as a result I started a little business of my own called Scenes N Things Photography! I have always dreamed of being able to one day decorate my own house with photography, and I thought some other people may also want to use real photography to decorate there house. Now you can take advantage of that by going to to check it out!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Soleil 100 Days
Soleil 100 Days: "There are thousands of fun, sharable prizes in the BIC® Soleil® 100 Days of Sunshine promotion. Join now!"
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Things People (We) Say...
I started thinking tonight about my childhood and my past and it is so amazing the things people say. Not excluding myself because we all do it! Making promises we don't intend to keep to friends and everyone around us, and I do not what made me think about it, but my rambling mind just went there, and it started down several paths. You know as a child we dream up all these things, what our spouse will be like, what kind of house we will have, the car we will drive, and what we will be when we grow up, and not all the times but most of the times it is SILLY and so funny to think back on. When in all reality God has different plans for us, plans we usually don't see coming for us! MUCH MUCH GREATER things than what we could EVER imagine! Like usually, the moment you quit looking for love is when you find it! Or when the moment you think now is the time I give up on whatever it may be that is when God prevails and turns that right around and gives you something or blesses you in a way that you never imagined He would! But to get back to the things people say, it just amazes me because you tell your best friend from kindergarten you will be friends forever, and not to say that doesn't happen, because sometimes it does, but you don't know that, life happens, and everyone changes and goes there own direction! And talking about people change boy don't we all! I know personally I have changed, not for the bad but changes do come in our life, as life happens and things happen, they make us into who we are, so personally I think we all change on a daily basis because of who we meet, the paths we go down, and the choices we make! Kind of similar to the song by Lady Antebellum "leave your plans behind" and this is what you have to do because God's plans are so much bigger than any plans we could ever have for ourselves for example...I NEVER thought I would have such an AMAZING boyfriend like I have now, God REALLY surpassed my expectations and blessed me in a BIG way, BJ is everything I dreamed about and more. The jobs that I have today in a time when it is hard to find one, I have two maybe not what I went to school for, but that will come in God's timing and not a day before, of course some days it is harder for me to focus in on that than others but I try and I am learning it is about counting the blessings that you do have not focusing on what you don't have! I have met some GREAT people along my journey so far and know that this will continue! God has placed some very wise people in my life that make me see these positives things even when I don't really want to! And I am not one bit disappointed for the things people have said or done in my life, or the things that I have been through in my life because they all are a part of me and made me who I am today, if it wasn't for all of these things I would not be where I am today or who I am today! Never do I regret for one moment the people I have encountered or been friends with througout my life so far because they all are a part of who I am today! I feel that you are a changed person because of each person that you meet and that God places in your path! So I am thankful for each person that I get to encounter and meet each day, there is a reason for that!
Catching Up,
My Love,
My Philosophy,
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Well have been looking for a REAL job....on vacation...and working at Cato's and Weight Watchers!!! Still haven't found a teaching job...still looking...quite a bummer especially since I just completed 4 years of college to get a degree that I can't even find a job for now...still hoping and praying for something to come along!!! Went to Gatlinburg with BJ we rented a cabin up there and had an ABSOLUTE BLAST!!! What an amazing place and time we had!!! I MISS IT!!! Work at Cato's and Weight Watchers is still trudging along!!!
Catching Up,
Hard Times,
My Love,
Friday, June 26, 2009
I have started training with weight watchers...and I am loving it!! It is a lot to remember, but once you get the hang of it it isn't so bad!!! My last day training on the paper tally is on Saturday and then I will have to start training on CHAMP their computer systems!! Then I will become a receptionist as I train for a leader position!!! I am so excited!! I will be nervous at first about doing the meetings I know I will be but once I do it a couple of times and get use to my group I will get use to it and that is when it will be a BLAST!!! I just want to be able to give back to the people that helped me along my weight loss journey!!! On another note me and BJ went to Lake Lure and Chimney Rock Wednesday we had a BLAST...we went Kayaking out on Lake Lure, and then we walked around for a bit then we headed up to Chimney Rock, we were going to go Rock Mining but they were closed because their mine was clogged up, so we went shopping in some of the stores and sat out by the river on the rocks for a while then came in and ate at a place called Genny's it s REALLY good!! Then we walked back down to the river for a bit then came back to Spartanburg and saw Transformers...which by the way is an awesome movie!!!! We had a BLAST!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Well the church I intervewed with for the teaching position...filled it but not with me...and I am still waiting to hear back from the charter school!! Hoping to find a teaching job especially since I have been in school for four years working toward that degree!! But, I got the job with weight watchers, which just thrills me to death because I really really wanted this job!! I start training thursday night, at the boiling springs location. I absolutely cannot wait!! I will start out training as a receptionist because you have to know how to do that before you become a is a 4-6 week span of training and then you have to start training as a leader if that is what you want to do!!! I hope to one day become a leader at Weight Watchers, but that will all come with time, going to take it all one step at a time!! I was so excited when I received the phone call because this has been a long time coming and waited for, for a long time!! The centers are becoming computerized but we all still have to be paper trained in case of emergencies when the computers are down or when the power is out and then we will be trained on the computers!! I am so excited about starting...I cannot wait!!! I will continue working with weight watchers even when I do get a teaching job!! If I do not get a teaching job for this coming year I plan to eventually go full time with weight watchers, where I will be scheduled for certain days that are consistent week to week and to sub on the days I am off at weight watchers....that way I can get my foot in the door at some schools for the next year...and when I get my teaching job I will go part time with weight watchers!!! I believe this will be an outstanding job to have, the atmosphere always seems friendly and welcoming!! It will also be so much FUN!!! So ready to start!!!
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Well I have had a couple of interviews with schools and waiting to hear back from them. Praying that they went well and that I will hear back. I also have an interview coming up June 11th with weight watchers!! This I am very excited about because it is something that is very near to my heart seeing that just this past december I hit my weight goal from doing weight watchers and am in a size four...a size I have NEVER seen before until now and NEVER though I would even starting weight watchers I was expecting an 8 maybe boy did I surprise myself...quite amazing really. With all this going on I get stressed and bogged down worrying as I wait to hear back and know which way my life will go next! I know it is all in God's hands and He is in control, but at the same time being human I still worry and wish I knew. It is hard to know that this could be the start of my career or that I may be waiting another year for it to come to me. I know either way, whatever happens it is in God's hands and what is meant to be will happen, but I am not much of a person who likes to wait!! SO keep me in your prayers. On the other hand on the 23rd and this month me and BJ will be together for a year and a half which floors me, because this is the longest relationship I have ever been in, I believe he is the one for me and hope he feels the same!! I know there are some out there that NEVER thought it would be possible for me to be "serious" about anyone and that I would always date someone for a few months and then break it off because of an uneasy feeling that I get!! BUT believe it or NOT I have made it and boy has it paid off!! And Honestly i think the reason none of those others worked or that I got that feeling is because it just simply was not meant to be!! Anyone that knows me knows that I have always said what is meant to be will happen!!! I am the luckiest girl alive and wow am I glad that waited it out because I have met the man of my dreams!!! It is hard for me to believe that me and BJ have been together this feels like just yesterday we met and started dating!!! I have so much fun with him...from fishing...yes me fishing, I LOVE it it is so much fun...going new places we have never been, going hiking, going to see a movie, going to downtown greenville to walk around and spend the day together, and so much more!!! No matter what we are doing together is always least I think so!!! :-D Well I just wanted to bring an update...because I am trying to blog more!!!
Catching Up,
Hard Times,
My Love,
My Philosophy,
New Job,
Weight Watchers,
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Me and BJ