Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Wow...how things and people change!!!!
It amazes me how quickly things and people change!!!! I have learned quite a few things here very recently and even up to the last 5 months!!! I have learned that no matter what your family and the ones that truly love you will be by your side no matter what happens or comes your way!!! I have also learned that you have to be cautious who you trust and to what extent you trust them NOT saying at all that you shouldn't trust but just that you should be cautious!!! I have also learned that the things you think will never happen probably will and the people you think will never let you down may be the first ones to do that!!! I have learned that you have to forgive and forget and move on with your life no matter if the others choose to move on or not...because sometimes they just aren't ready for that step!!!! Be Optimistic! Give people a chance they may prove you wrong!!! Love comes when you least expect it!!! Be the change you want to see in the world it has to start somewhere!!! Don't hold grudges because you never know how long we have!!! So overall I have learned that no matter what be who you are and if people don't like it that's something they have to deal with!!! Smile no matter what happens because it may brighten someone elses day that needs it more than you do!!! Laugh as often as you can and enjoy every minute of it!!! Enjoy what you have and what you do because you never know when your last moments are or how long you have!!!! These are a few things I have learned recently!!!!
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Me and BJ
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