Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Well.....I have had a petty busy day already good but busy and its only 1: 20.......been to school had lunch and then back to school which parking still isn't any better and had all my classes today none were cancelled or anything and believe it o not we haven't even gotten through the first full week of school and on Monday I had a class cancelled...that doesn't bother me we were told ahead of time so that makes everything okay....and I am getting ready to go to Orientation at 2:00 for my new job!! I am excited but yet still somewhat anxious I guess it is always like that with new jobs!!! I don't know what all the orientation will be about or how long it will last.....But just remember to say a quick prayer for me!! Well the next coupld of weeks are looking like pretty busy ones but like I told my sister last night I am going to try my hardest to keep posting because for quite a while there I began to slack and not post stuff lol...I have got to get back to posting the Friday Feast...I have missed those the last coupld of weeks!!!


Alison said...

Hey sis! Love the new look of your blog - very cool! Hope orientation went well. You'll have to share with me what you learned. Does this mean we get free bbq now?? HAHA

Alison said...

Hey sis! I gave you an award. Check my blog to find out more!

Now display it proudly...when you get your internet back up - lol!

Me and BJ