Appetizer: On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how polite are you?
I would say a 6 depending on what kind of day you catch me on and who you are plays a big part and I am naturally sarcastic so if you don't know how to take me you may see it as rude
Soup: What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud? The guy that walmart that knew me but I didn't know him until he explained to me that we were related and yea well I felt like a complete idoit but you will have that!
Salad: Who is your favorite cartoon character? Hmmmm I would have to say Road Runner I use to love those cartoons when I was younger lol they use to make me laugh all the time!
Main Course: Tell about the funniest teacher you ever had. hmmm.....I would have to say by far Mrs Atkins I had her my senior year in hish school for Psycholgy and we went around the room and everyone had to write something nice for everyone else and she did one for us and she said I was pleasantly stubborn if you can even be that thats what I am lol she was sooo funny and a GREAT teacher!!!
Dessert: Complete this sentence: I strongly believe that __this has been one heck of a day__.
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Me and BJ
Awwww sis - great feast! Love ya!
mmep meep--I loved Road Runner too!! Happy Friday.
lol on the man at walmart. I've had stuff like that happen to me and I walk away thinking... "Who was that?!" Then it bugs me for the next few hours and sometimes day trying to figure out who it was.
My teachers were all as funny as a funeral !
Great feast! Oh dear... Road Runner. How could I have forgotten about him? It's all coming back to me now. LOL.
Happy Friday!
Great feast!
An interesting feast. Thanks for sharing.
You are invited to my table.
Whoof! I like feastin'. come see what I have to eat.
Great feast!
Road Runner...yes, I remember watching it! Beep beep! LOL.
Happy Friday!
Pleasantly stubborn. What an interesting idea. :-) I will have to remember that when one of my children is being that way. LOL :-) Great Feast. :-)
Pleasantly stubborn - lol!
Great feast.
LOL on not knowing your relative. That's so funny!
Happy Feasting :-)
Great feast! Have a great Friday!
One heck of a day already. Well it's only 9 am here. Hope your day gets better. Happy Friday. :)
Great feast! Have a great weekend!
Love Road Runner and all the gang.
Great feast!
Mine is up...come on over.
I hope your day will be better tomorrow.
Have a good weekend!
I'm back sis to tell you you've been tagged! Check out my blog to find out what now?! Haha
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