Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I mean WOW..what's it going to take?

Some guys just don't take hints well at all I mean IdK what some of them expect you to do but DANG........I was pretty sure that when I stop talkin to people that it was over and that when we no longer have any contact it was through but apparently some people you have to be real straight with and come right out and tell them hey its over no more not happening ever again so I did this to make sure I had myself CLEARED up and wouldn't be mistaken or misleading anyone!!! I mean I have made some dumb choices in the past but I don't plan to make this another one...generally my thoughts are if you screw me over once ok you might be lucky enough to get a second chance ok and then some lucky individuals may get a 3rd chance VERY VERY seldom but occosionally and after that I am done not letting you run me over anymore but obviously some people think i should just let things keep happen and see how many times I can get ran over and just be there no matter what well once I get to a certain point thats it no more and I have reached that point with a few people..I mean there is only so much you can take and you can only try so hard!!! And have started to realize generally the people that tell you I will be here for you no matter what and you can tell me anything and they go on and on about how you can trust them are the ones you better be careful with in my situation they seem to be the ones that love drama and love to get crap started!! Maybe this is just my take on things but this is how I do things if you don't like it im sorry its not changing!! But just because you lose friends you NEVER will lose God he is always right there by your side and there for you no matter what and He is all I need and I thank him everyday for the GREAT friends and family that he has given me that has been here through it all and that I can trust with anything!!!

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Me and BJ