Friday, February 23, 2007

Love..little long but worth reading

I went to Evangel tonight and it was AWESOME!! I needed it!!! God spoke to my heart and I wanted to share a little of what I got out of tonight!!! Cameron preached tonight on praying and love!! I am just talking about the Love part of the message!!

The message came from Luke 10:25-37~

We make love such a casual thing saying I love this I hate this and love is so NOT a casual thing at all!! Most people think love is a feeling and it is so much more it is an action something you have to do!! People have gotten so caught up in the world's view of love that most people don't know what love is they think it is some over used word that doesn't have meaning but boy it has so much meaning but its more than just throwing the words I love you out, do you have anything to back it up with? God showed us love by sending His perfect Son Jesus to die on the cross in my place and your place!! Today we look in ALL the WRONG places for love when we should be looking to God and letting Him define what Love is..1 Corinthians 13. Who better to define love than the maker and creator of love itself? We are to love others as we love ourselves..and really think about this if you are truthful and honest with yourself we love ourselves a whole lot..we take time to buy ourselves stuff, take care of ourselves, we take time to get ready before we go anywhere, we have "me" time..not saying all this is bad but just think what it would do if you would do some of these things for someone else it would blow people away....really who else do you love more than yourself?...but we are called to love everyone the way we love ourselves!!! We are to have mercy on others encourage them love even when you don't necessarily feel like loving!! Love is NOT about religion~ we need to stop thinking and start loving~ and I don't say this meaning not using your brains but we get so caught up in thinking oh this person screwed up and put themselves in that situation or this person just wants attention or that person just walks into stuff or this person is suffering because of this and maybe that is the case but who are we to say, we are suppose to love them regardless and if you see someone hurting encourage them say some kind words to them you don't know how much of a difference that could make!! Having a religious spirit will make you be more judgemental and make excuse for why things are the way they are and why we don't love and justify our attitudes and we have to get away from that!! I know I have to watch my attitude and make sure im loving with a servant heart!! Without love we are NOTHING~Bankrupt!! Love puts up with EVERYTHING not somethings but everything it isn't easily angered!! Love NEVER looks back but keeps going until the end!!

Are you filled? Are you doing the things that you should be doing to keep your vessel full? Are you praying, studying~digging deeper into God's Word, seeking God's face, spending time with HIm daily?

Wow you talked about an awesome message......God brought so much to my attention tonight..boy do I have a TON of work to do!!!

1 comment:

trish said...

thats what i call some GOOD STUFFF!!!!! =] -


Me and BJ